You started out so well, there is stuff about the slave trade that I was not aware of. Though you would have thought that the black slave traders would have learnt that their contracts were being broken and stopped, but instead they carried on for hundreds of years so that part of your argument falls apart. But then you spoilt it by degenerating into apartheid. You degrade people by talking of “the” black economy as if all black people are the same, and implicitly, therefore, all white people are the same, but somehow the two groups are necessarily completely different from each other. That is racism. Not the white privilege racism of America, to be sure but racism nonetheless, pure and simple. And where do you stop? How many divisions do you want to split the human race into? What makes someone black, or white, or brown, or yellow? Is it just colour? Do you deny the right of people like my children to exist because they don’t fit into your narrow blinkered worldview? Remove the beam from your own eye before you complain about the mote in mine.