The most obvious one is, as someone else pointed out, the idea that zebras intended the emergence of their stripes. No, they didn’t. We have a pretty good idea of the mechanics of how stripes happen and there was nothing intentional about it. We even have some ideas about why there was selection pressure for stripes (recent work has firmed this up) and (outside the slim possibility that it was through sexual selection) there was again nothing intentional about it.
The rest of your story seems to be fairly vague philosophical musings with no supporting evidence. There is (bizarre though it might seem) non-trivial evidence that, to use your arm-raising example, neurons fire in the brain that will lead to the arm being raised before we are consciously aware of our decision (or intention) to raise our arm. So the intent follows the initiation of the action. That gets us into very deep waters around free will that I am not qualified to go into, except to say it leads to the conclusion that there is no such thing as free will (and hence also rules out mind-body dualism)