I wasn’t going to respond to your deranged ravings again, but here you have actually made some points that hint towards where you go wrong.
The law of mathematics is that every operation has an inverse
No, not true. Or, strictly, only uniquely true for one-one functions. And now I start to see how you can be so wrong while being convinced you are right. Taking a square is not a 1–1 function. On your reasoning, -5 x -5 = -25, which goes against the most basic understanding of multiplication.
The law of operations states to eradicate parentheses
There is no such law. Maybe you are trying to say that every mathematical expression can be written without using parentheses through precedence. That may be true, but it does not mean that you can eradicate parentheses simply by removing them.
In short, you don’t have a clue. You are so proud of your “superiority” that you refuse to see where you have made the most basic of mistakes. You think you have found something fundamentally wrong in mathematics when you have just exposed something fundamentally wrong in yourself.
You will probably respond with another longwinded and wrongheaded answer that shows yet more of your disconnection with reality. Please don’t bother. You are clearly incapable of understanding the most basic ideas.
To use your own words: Do not try to come up to my level when you cannot comprehend an error. Your errors are basic. If you were right, most of number theory would be wrong. Most of science would be wrong. Most of engineering would be wrong. We would not be able to communicate as we are. You are wrong.