I want to apologise for that first sentence, it was uncalled for. Notice that apart from that I never said anything about YOU, just about what you said. In return I get malicious invective. I never said you were a Trumper or part of QAnon, I said that what you said came from their playbook. Can you see the difference? It's really quite simple, but people with a fixed mindset often get confused between statements about what they have said and statements about themselves.
I have tried to find some truth in things you say and have acknowledged when you have made a good point. You say I don't know you, but really you don't know me. I guess you assume that I am white, maybe think that only a white person would be sitting on a horse in a profile picture. If so, that seems to me to be racist stereotyping. What you wrote about me not speaking from real lived experiences cannot come from any knowledge of me because you don't seem to have any, it is nonsense spouted with no knowledge of the truth.
When you say every word you write is true, well, sorry, but it isn't. Such as your nonsense about 100% deportation of illegals would begin to solve problems. That's a joke given the USA was born from colonization, which is effectively illegal immigration, and conquest of the native population.
You call me a "hard-left liberal". That must be a very American thing because in the real world the hard-left are as illiberal as the hard-right. But it's a convenient trope to hit people with when you don't have anything useful to say.
Yes, I am liberal, because, you know what, truth has a liberal bias. Or, perhaps more accurately, liberals, unlike the hard-left or hard-right, change their beliefs if presented with evidence to the contrary. You have seen that I can admit I am wrong, and I can admit when someone I am notionally disagreeing with makes a good point, as I have done with you. You appear to be incapable of seeing beyond your apparently blinkered view of the world. You may believe that you have agency to form your own opinions but you have exhibited little evidence of that.