ah, bless, did someone hurt you? Something seems to have broken your connection with reality. Was it those nasty people who want you to know what really happened? You seem to have a very binary view of the world and cannot cope with shades of grey.
Your first paragraph is the sort of nonsense I would expect from QAnon and therefore deserves no more comment.
Your second paragraph has some truth in it. Apart from your wild accusation about my bias against the US. The US doesn’t need me to be biased against it when it can elect people like Trump to do plenty of self-harm. But what you say about the slave trade is mostly true. And doesn’t actually contradict anything that I said.
Your third paragraph is interesting. One of the ironies of the poor whites in the US is that they have been persuaded to see Black people as the enemy when in reality they would do much better to jointly organize and oppose the vested interests that keep them poor. You’ve probably seen this cartoon: https://pics.me.me/careful-mate-that-foreigner-wants-your-cookie-the-immigrants-are-67324034.png or this variant: https://www.sinceredesign.com/political/rpacookiesWee.jpg. A lot of truth in them. And your version of what I was saying in the last sentence is totally disconnected from what I did say. Of course freeing slaves was a good thing, but it didn’t magically make all the problems caused by slavery go away. This is an example of your binary thinking that gets you into such confusion.